Great Information on Macro and Micronutrients

micro macro nutrients

Picture provided by Dan Gold via Unsplash


Macro/Micro Nutrients

Macronutrients or “macros are nourishments your body needs on a considerable level. Namely in larger amounts in order for your body to function properly. For example, Protein, fat, and carbohydrates. These nutrients supply your body with energy in the form of calories.
All these forms of energy (calories) contain building blocks your body requires to grow and/or maintain itself. Therefore, it is important not to banish these essential nutrients from your body.

Why is protein important?

Protein is needed for all living organisms. It makes up part of the living cells of muscle and other tissues. It is also widely used in other parts of the body including tissue structure, hormones, metabolism, transport system, enzymes, and balancing the acid/base environment.

It is no wonder why protein is so important for the body and why we need it. As part of your diet, you can get protein from many types of food. You can get it from animal-based foods (eggs, meat, dairy, poultry, and eggs). Animal-based foods can be a good source of complete protein or you can opt for plant-based foods that also offer protein in them. Seeds, grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables are a great choice but can lack some essential amino acids.

micro macro nutrients

Picture provided by Markus Winkler via Unsplash

Is fat important?

Yes. Fat offers important fatty acids that our body cannot make for itself. Fats allow our body to absorb some vitamins that are only broken down to be used in fats. Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D are fat-soluble. Fat is also used for cell walls, is utilized in the body for energy, and insulates itself to protect the organs. It is important to get your fast food from good and healthy sources. Plants can provide it in the form of polyunsaturated and monosaturated fats. These awesome sources can be found in olives, avocadoes, seeds, nuts, corn oil, canola oil, and peanut oil.

Saturated fats found in animal sources should be consumed in healthy amounts. Eating too much of it has been associated with elevated cholesterol levels. Pork, high-fat dairy products, processed meats, butter, lamb, beef, lamb, veal, processed baked/fried goods, coconut, and palm oil.

Avoid trans-fat as much as you can because it elevates your bad cholesterol and lowers the good.

Last, but not least is carbohydrates. Is it needed?

Carbs give your body fuel and are most preferred by our brain. That is why diets that restrict glucose as their source may not be the best choice for our brain. Our brain relies on it for its fuel source. Protein, if eaten enough of it can be converted into sugars by a process called “gluconeogenesis.”

Our body does this automatically to prevent low glucose from happening. In other words, carbohydrates provide energy for our brain and our central nervous system. You can get healthy your carbs from healthy sources like fiber, phytochemicals, minerals, and vitamins. Phytochemicals can be found in plants like whole grains that have not been processed, beans, fruits, and vegetables.

micro macro nutrients

Picture provided by freestocks via Unsplash


Our body does not require a lot of micronutrients to function properly. We will get plenty of it if we are eating a well-balanced diet. Micronutrients are found in both water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.

Water-soluble vitamins include Vitamin b12, Vitamin b6, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C, and Folic acid.

All the B vitamins are used to make sure our cells are functioning properly and help our body’s metabolism. They also function to create new blood cells and maintain nice and healthy skin, other body tissues, and also our brain cells.

Vitamin C is excellent for our immune system by assisting it in the healing process. It also is used to form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle, and collagen in the bones.

Folic acid is needed in a balanced amount for our blood. People who are pregnant or might become pregnant need Folic Acid to prevent serious birth defects such as spina bifida. Folic acid helps prevent a change to our DNA that could lead to cancer. Deficiency in Folic Acid has also been linked to heart disease and stroke. You only need the recommended amount for your body. Any more than that can be harmful.

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